My heart is so heavy lately

    It’s painful to push through these days

    At night I sneak moments to think of you

    I look at the sky and wonder if you’re there

    As a little girl I’d pray to the stars

    Now I just talk to them and hope you can hear me

    I miss you, I love you, I’ll see you when I get there

  • Sun to my Moon

    To my sister, Arlyssa

    Your soul radiates warmth like sun beams

    In your presence, beautiful things grow

    Bees buzz and birds sing, like nature’s music made in honor of you

    Cold people turn their faces towards you and defrost

    Cloudy days come when you’re feeling lost

    But your strength breaks through every time

    As if you only needed to find yourself again

    When you’re tired of it all, I will be there

    Not as bright but a different kind of light

    Appearing at night, so that you can rest

    I will welcome the people who you’ve shared your warmth with

    When they turn towards me, they will think of you

    They will feel me settle in your place and start a fire

    Time will pass and life will still

    Everything you’re growing will be covered in dew

    So that when you rise you’ll see that I was there

    Your morning light will touch the shimmering earth

    And you’ll know how proud I am

  • Happy 5

    Daily writing prompt
    What are 5 everyday things that bring you happiness?

    The five everyday things that bring me happiness are:

    1. God
    2. My family
    3. Busy hands
    4. Laughter
    5. Being healthy

    These things may seem ordinary, but only because so many take them for granted. Some people think about happiness and relate it to something they can possess, but when you’ve gone through having nothing to hold on to, you learn to appreciate the presence of life in other ways.

  • The Owl

    Daily writing prompt
    Which animal would you compare yourself to and why?

    If I had to compare myself to any type of animal, I would choose the owl. Mostly because I am content in a stable environment. I tend to thrive when I have systems to implement or follow. Owls typically mate for life and make protective and nurturing parents, outside of this they do not socialize much. They’re territorial and more solitary than other birds. Owls avoid human interaction unless they’ve become familiar with them, then they may show interest or affection. Despite studies proving they are not above average in intelligence, they symbolize inner wisdom and intuition. I am sure I could study this more, but briefly googling the history it seems that the symbolism in Western culture derives from Ancient Greece when the Goddess Athena had the owl as a symbol. Anyway, Athena is pretty bad ass and greek mythology has always interested me so there is another connection. In other cultures, the owl can be a symbol of bad luck or an omen of death. Not so funny story but on my 18th birthday we saw an owl in the woods, I was with my cousin who lost her brother a year later and then we lost my other cousin 6 months after that. My grandfather followed, then my brother. There have been childhood friends in between. When you lose people like that, it is hard not to wonder if you are some type of assistant to death. It is hard to try and reason with the guilt you feel and the weight of it all. For a long time, I didn’t want to be around anyone for fear that God would take them away just for being in my presence. Until I realized that is not what God does, and now it is something I talk with Him about so that it may lift my troubles a little lighter from my shoulders. This writing prompt started very simply and somehow I’ve managed to make it deeper than I intended to, so I am going to leave it at this: I resonate with the owl.

  • Living without

    Daily writing prompt
    What are three objects you couldn’t live without?

    I really racked my brain to answer this prompt. I sat and stared at the wall wondering what objects I have that I use everyday, and even the ones I came up with were not significant enough, other than necessities that everyone needs to survive. I didn’t take the question literally, there would be no fun in that. After almost 10 minutes of thinking, the answer came to me. This question is hard because I’ve been without, and I’ve survived. Again, not in the literal sense, I know we all need water/food/etc, sometimes it may even be medication. That’s not what I am referring to. I’m talking about the “notebook and pen” responses. Not that I think there is anything wrong with them, I read a lot of them and enjoyed the answer. I just found myself going to answer the same way too, and I couldn’t. If you asked me when I was a teenager, I wouldn’t have hesitated. I probably would’ve thrown in my camera too. But now I’ve gone years without touching a pen or notebook to write about my day or jot down a thought that held meaning. I’ve gone months without taking a single picture, not because I didn’t find anything worthy enough but because I’d been so lost in tidal waves of grief that it had been hard to rise to the surface. I’ve been unable to afford those things, and I’ve been too busy or empty to notice them when I could. I don’t know, I guess life just moves on. You learn to love objects and then all the years start to pass and those things stay where you left them, one morning you’ll stumble across an old pen and paper and wonder what changed. You’ll read what you wrote so long ago and it feels like you’re invading your own personal diary. You’ll find a photo you took of a loved one since passed and breakdown, it will bring you to the floor and you’ll cry and cry and cry. The words and photos will be so meaningful, and maybe then you’ll snap another photo or pick up a pen, but never will you need them again.

  • Newspeak

    Daily writing prompt
    If you could permanently ban a word from general usage, which one would it be? Why?

    I would never ban a word, not even one that I disliked. A lot of words can be triggering for me in certain context, and yet I still would not ban them. Words are used for so many different reasons, freedom of expression and speech being the most valuable. You might be asking yourself about vulgar words and wondering what value is held in that, but it is quite simple to me. The value is in the freedom of it. For example, you don’t like the word “c*nt”, many people hate that word. You get into a fight with your spouse and they call you a “c*nt”. That is their right, they may or may not regret it. However, YOU hold the power to forgive or to walk away. YOU decide what you will or will not tolerate from that point moving forward. YOU decide who and what to surround yourself with, and a big part of that is allowing people to show you their true colors. Don’t get me wrong, you are going to make someone feel a type of way with words and how you choose to use them, and at some point it is going to hurt someone. You may not even know when you do it, and that person may sit with that hurt for a long time. People go about their day offending others without a second thought about it. There is certainly power to words, but there is more power in the way you receive them and what you choose to do after the fact. Control over someone is never the solution to the problem. You’ll never be able to find peace within yourself if you live by the expectation that everyone is going to tip toe around your feelings.

    Anyway, that’s just my opinion, and everyone knows what they say about those.

  • Sleeping while Grieving

    I had a dream about my brother last night. He was young again and swimming in a river. The river was very wide, with shallow spots in the middle of it. The other kids in my dream were saying how they were “Tommy spots” because he was always in them. I was watching him swim by himself, content and wishing he wouldn’t have to grow up. At some point I started swimming too. I got to the shallow end and looked around for him. I couldn’t find him anywhere. A little boy was playing by me and I asked him if he saw where my brother went. All of a sudden he was right in front of my face, he looked concerned which was off-putting because he was so young, and said, “Your brother is gone.” I started panicking, looking everywhere, swimming below the water with my eyes open when I couldn’t find him on the surface. I came up for air where the realization hit, my brother was not a child anymore and he was gone. I didn’t wake up though, instead the river started rushing over me. I started screaming, “Tommy!” and letting the river take me over. I woke up with the scream stuck in my throat.

    I’ve never been much of a loud person. I’ve actually come to hate loud noises. They have always set me on edge. So when the urge comes to me now, to scream for my brother, it usually gets caught in my chest and sits heavy like a rock. In my sleep, it tries to make its way out. In the first few months after losing him, I don’t remember dreaming much at all. I don’t remember much of being awake at all either. The dreams that turned into night terrors came later. I would wake up to myself yelling or sobbing, sometimes drenched in sweat, most times in a panic attack. It has been 2 years now, they come less frequently, but they’re still just as awful to go through.

    My brother became sick about 3 years before he passed and life was not easy for him. My mom and I took classes at NAMI, they were called Family to Family I believe. I started listening to audio books about mental illness. I researched medication and schizoaffective disorder. I picked up on the medical jargon surrounding mental illness so I could advocate for him when he was admitted. I tried being there as much as he would tolerate it. Looking back, I feel like it wasn’t enough. Nothing prepared me for what he was going to go through and I didn’t know how to be there for him in the ways he needed at all.

    It is not an easy thing to understand or relate to, mental illness. Many people can’t even find the empathy or compassion when it comes to the mentally ill. In all honesty, it is not something I thought much about until it happened to Tommy. Everyone is familiar with depression and anxiety. We know the stigmas around psychosis, suicide, schizophrenia, bipolar, and OCD, and if you start paying attention you’ll notice you hear them frequently. On TV, in music, social media, in phrases people use, sometimes you may even speak on it yourself without truly knowing the gravity of the illness.

    Anyway, it went something like this: Tommy was a chunky little baby who rarely cried or whined. He had big, light brown eyes that always looked a little sad unless he was laughing. When he was little he had an obsession with dinosaurs and as he got older it turned into video games. He joked with his friends, played football, rode bikes around the neighborhood. He kept to himself at home, was raised in a household of all females, but participated in family outings, holidays, and craft or movie nights. He listened to all kinds of music but preferred rock/metal. He loved spicy foods and would willingly eat a ghost pepper raw. He once covered our mom with a blanket when she passed out on the couch before he went to bed himself. After I miscarried and became pregnant again he looked at me and told me I would not lose another baby. Then he grew up, life got busy, and then next thing you know he is pacing back and forth outside of a restaurant on Christmas Eve stringing together words and sentences that make no sense to you. The cops are called, he is talking away in an ambulance and sent to an in-patient psych hospital. They overmedicate him so when you can finally visit he can’t lift his head or keep his eyes open, never mind try and talk to you. When he is released there is no care plan or explanation as to what happened. He comes out and self isolates despite the multiple welfare checks and his family begging to see him. Then it is in and out of hospitals all over the place, at one point he becomes catatonic from the medication and you don’t get to hear his voice for almost a year. You don’t know how he is being treated or if the hospitals and medication are even helping. He is given a temporary diagnosis of schizoaffective disorder but never stays in a facility long enough for them to confirm. Very rarely, he has lucid moments that give you hope. Things might end up okay. You go to his favorite restaurant and eat hot wings. You see Godzilla vs Kong. You talk about what elemental power would be the coolest to have. You do all these things not knowing they would be the last moments you got. You wish him happy birthday but don’t get a response. When you visit, he stays in his room with the door shut and doesn’t answer to knocks. Then you got to AZ to visit family and the whole time you have a horrible feeling in the pit of your stomach but can’t figure out why. You’re in Sedona when you get the phone call you’ve feared for what feels like a long time. You see your mom throw herself on the ground and scream. All of a sudden, you think you’re going to puke. Things become distant. You just want to get home. You just want to be there, even though he is not.

    You do the therapy and medication thing, you try to get back to “normal”, you let time do its thing. You are told by almost everyone there is nothing you could have done and it is not healthy to sit with guilt. You are also told that it never gets better, it gets different from people who have also suffered loss. That is the only thing I’ve heard and known to be true.

  • Happy Birthday Deana

    Yesterday was your birthday, you would’ve been 31. I wonder if you know that we celebrated your life. If you could see us looking at my daughter, thinking how much she can remind us of you and admiring that. If you could hear us singing the songs you used to, laughing and remembering yours. If you could feel the ache in our hearts from missing you for so long. I wonder if you can hear us talking to you and know that we are waiting to see your face again. I wonder if you see us digging deep inside of ourselves to find the strength to keep going, keep remembering, keep hoping that we will be reunited. I wonder if you feel that ache too, wherever you are. I wonder where you are, and if you are free. I wonder if you feel peace and if you can fly. I wonder if you know the secrets of the universe and the meaning of our souls. I wonder if you’ve seen the face of God and became unburdened. I wonder if you’re with Billy, Tommy, Brooke, Matt, Keith, Mike, Tiffany, our grandparents, and all of the others who’ve passed along the years. I wonder if you all celebrated your life together and if there is cake and music. I wonder if you’re watching me write this right now and joking with Billy and Tommy because I didn’t write anything on their birthdays (sorry boys). I hope you are all together. I hope you found purpose and are at peace with the hands you were dealt. I hope you had a good birthday, and know that we are all lost without you here. I love and miss you 365 days out of the year.

  • Dandelion Dame

    Bitter is the dandelion, though yellow and bright

    Facing towards the sun, while bees take flight

    Though pretty and beneficial, most sprayed with herbicide

    For people do not know the benefits inside

    Dandelion helps the heart stay strong and beating

    The flower, leaves, and stem provide what’s worth reaping

    Roots are secure and detoxifying

    They’re very good at multiplying

    Left alone they aid the wildlife

    Some rather green grass but I prefer the strife

    Of wildflowers everywhere

    In a tea, a field, or woven through hair

    Though they are weedy and full of fight

    They still grow through poison and the darkness of night

    To provide healing to the people who’ve harmed them

    Dandelions are resilient and forgiving, never to condemn

    Bitter is the dandelion, whose taste may bite

    Just add a little honey and soon you’ll find their light

  • If I won the lottery

    If I won the lottery (which I have never played), I would buy land near mountains and set my family up there. We would build homes within walking distance to each other and learn to homestead. Our kids would have the best support system. I’d like to set up a business a little ways down, with cottages surrounding it for community mental health retreats. Nothing is better for your brain than fresh air, cute animals, plants, quiet, and comfort, right?

    We went camping over the summer and the family who owned it stayed there. I couldn’t stop thinking to myself how nice it must be. Don’t get me wrong, I know they’re putting in all the effort it takes to run a business. They were up and available 24/7 but they were also smiling and building connections too. Their children were making friends and lifelong memories. Anyway, the work seemed worth it to me.

    If I won the lottery, I would put it towards work that is worth it.

    Bloganuary writing prompt
    What would you do if you won the lottery?
  • Things we take for granted

    Things we take for granted

    An expression tried and true

    One thing I took for granted

    Was time well spent with you

    I didn’t know with every first there would be a last

    I didn’t think the years would go by and you’d stay in the past

    Looking in the mirror, the evidence is there

    Cuz staring back at me are woeful eyes of tears

    For moments lost and empty of your presence

    I wish I knew back then that time was of the essence

    Surely then I would’ve hugged you a little longer

    Knowing that life without you could be so somber

    Yes, I think I would’ve held on a little tighter

    Knowing that your light in my world made it that much brighter

    Things we take for granted

    Show up now everyday

    When someone complains about trivial things that don’t matter anyway

    Who cares about work, messes, or money

    It’s no comparison to the soul I’ve lost, their memory sweet like honey

    Yet I know it’s not fair to feel this way

    Things we take for granted only becomes understood when you’ve had a price to pay